Thursday, May 5, 2011

“We Catholics have it easy…”

We Catholics have it easy. All we have to do is go to mass once a week, and we’re in (heaven).” I actually heard this in a homily at our church. I don’t think that the priest was kidding--I think that he really believes what he said! Jesus said that those who feed the poor, cloth the naked, shelter the homeless, etc. would see heaven, and those who didn’t wouldn’t. How can this priest reconcile his remark with Jesus’?

I have other questions. Which is more important—paying off a church mortgage in four years, or feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, giving shelter to the homeless, etc.? Jesus says the latter. Our church has raised millions of dollars from its parishioners to pay off its mortgage in four years. The amount raised for feeding the poor, clothing the naked, sheltering the homeless, etc. is a pittance compared to that amount.

Should my church be telling me what I should give to (pay off the mortgage), and how much ($10K)? How does our church reconcile this with Jesus’ teachings?

Catholic Relief Services has aligned with Caritas in taking contributions for the victims of Japan’s earthquake and tsunami. The money that they collect will not be used for emergency food, water, clothing, and shelter, but instead will be put into a bank account and used later for counseling. Jesus said feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give shelter to the homeless.

We’re all well aware of the pedophile priest scandal, including the cover-up. Does the church have the moral authority to tell me what I should do when it has done such a poor job itself?

I have questions. I’m looking to God for answers, not the church.

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