Saturday, February 19, 2011


Tomorrow is the seventh Sunday in “ordinary” time. ...“ordinary”?

Jesus was fully human (He ate, He slept, He worked, He wept, He suffered,…) But, “ordinary”? NO! EXTRAORDINARY! He was found teaching in His Father’s house when He was a boy. God spoke of Him when He was baptized by John. He performed MANY (extraordinary) signs (miracles). He was transfigured with Moses and Elijah (God spoke of Him again). He changed bread and wine into His Body and Blood. He rose from the dead. He appeared to many after his resurrection. He ascended into heaven. He sits at the right hand of the Father.

We’re the ones who are ordinary. We talk out loud in church about golf, restaurants, friends, etc.--IN FRONT OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT, while others try to pray. We leave mass while communion is being distributed. We say that we are made in His Image. I don’t think so.

Tomorrow should be called “the seventh Sunday in ‘EXTRAORDINARY’ time”.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

In His Image? REALLY?

I’ve been taught since I was a small child that God created man “in the Image and Likeness of God”.

Really? Greed, pride, dishonesty, arrogance, abuse, etc.?

Man has perverted God's Image. Instead of searching for God as God is, man has made God into what he wants. To suggest that we are made in God’s Image does a GREAT disservice to God.

Instead of talking in church, and leaving Mass during the distribution of communion, men should be on their faces praising God for His Infinite greatness and goodness. We should be begging God to forgive us for comparing ourselves to Him.