Sunday, June 28, 2009


1968 was a landmark year—for our nation, and for Jenny and me.

The Vietnam War was at its height, and there were protests from coast to coast. There were civil rights’ marches and protests, both peaceful and violent. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated. There were riots, and the 14th Street, NW, corridor in Washington, D.C. burned. I remember National Guard troops being on Memorial Bridge, and other bridges into D.C.

I graduated from Villanova in 1968. Michelle was born on October 29. Within a week or so my draft notice came. I would spend the next two years in the Army at Ft. Benning, GA.

Every year has its highlights and its lowlights. 1968 will be a year that will always be indelibly imprinted in my memory.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


The wonderful thing about being retired is that I get to decide, on a daily basis, what I choose to do, and with whom I choose to associate.